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mercury seven造句

"mercury seven"是什么意思  
  • Glenn was one of the Mercury Seven, the original astronauts.
  • Once there were the Mercury Seven, household names all.
  • He was the radiologist for NASA that screened the Mercury Seven astronauts for Project Mercury.
  • John Glenn and the rest of the Mercury Seven.
  • Among the Mercury Seven, only he and Carpenter were denied a return trip to space.
  • Schirra said competition among the original Mercury seven was " pretty keen in those days ."
  • The book is an account of the'Mercury Seven'astronauts.
  • The "'Mercury Seven "'were the group of seven Mercury astronauts announced by NASA on October 7, 1958.
  • Slayton was the only member of the Mercury Seven who did not fly in the Mercury program.
  • The astronaut corps that supported Project Gemini included the " Mercury Seven ", " 1963 astronaut class.
  • It's difficult to see mercury seven in a sentence. 用mercury seven造句挺难的
  • He is the only astronaut from Project Mercury ( the original Mercury Seven astronauts ) to reach the Moon.
  • All four of the surviving Mercury Seven astronauts were there : John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra and Gordon Cooper.
  • She was one of 13 women pilots who underwent the same testing and training given the original Mercury Seven astronauts.
  • The entrance to the complex is marked by a monument to the Mercury Seven fashioned from some exotic missile metal.
  • Slayton was one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts selected in 1959, but an irregular heartbeat grounded him until 1972.
  • He was one of the Mercury Seven : military test pilots selected in 1959 by NASA as the United States'first astronauts.
  • As its inaugural class in 1990, the Hall of Fame inducted the United States'original group of astronauts : the Mercury Seven.
  • In fact, the Mercury Seven astronauts despise Wolfe because, they claim, he never interviewed any of them, relying on secondhand tittle-tattle instead.
  • :Due to the long delay between the last Army astronaut to be selected ( almost 19 years after the original Mercury Seven ).
  • He was chosen as one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts in April 1959, but had been grounded until 1972 for medical reasons.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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